Free of formaldehyde


Free of microplastics = 100% virgin


Free from toxic plasticizers



Our SPC vinyl floors keep the product description 100% “virgin” - what security does this guarantee give you?


100% virgin vinyl floors are 100% formaldehyde-free, 100% free of harmful microplastics and 100% free of toxic plasticizers.


The floors are made of stone aggregate, which is the best choice for your health. This also means that there is no recycled vinyl content in the construction of the floor and that it is orthophyllite-free. This is also the reason why 100% virgin vinyl is the only type of vinyl flooring that you want to install in your business environment or in your own home.


The decor and the look of wood are retained, but with a higher strength and performance for every type of room and industry with a simultaneous natural <<feel>>.

100% virgin-vinyl flooring defines the highest quality and finest product range on the vinyl flooring market.